You are looking for information, articles, knowledge about the topic nail salons open on sunday near me as much as 뜻 on Google, you do not find the information you need! Here are the best content compiled and compiled by the team, along with other related topics such as: as much as 뜻 As much as 예문, As much A as B 뜻, As much as 용법, As much as possible 뜻, As much as 접속사, As much as as many as 차이, As many as 뜻, As as 구문 뜻
니가 원하는 (수) 만큼 많이 가져가도 된다. You eat as much as I do. (= You eat as much as me.) 너는 내가 먹는 (양)만큼 많이 먹는다.
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as many as, as much as (무려) : 네이버 블로그
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- Summary of article content: Articles about as many as, as much as (무려) : 네이버 블로그 Updating …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for as many as, as much as (무려) : 네이버 블로그 Updating
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카테고리 이동
보카레보의 영어공부 블로그
이 블로그
말하는 영문법
카테고리 글
이 블로그
말하는 영문법
카테고리 글

<영어 패턴> as much as 의 용법
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- Reviews from users: 36538
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- Summary of article content: Articles about <영어 패턴> as much as 의 용법 영어 핵심 패턴 : As much as ~ 오늘 다루어볼 핵심 패턴은 as much as 입니다. … As much as I love this place 는 I love this place but ~ 의 구문과 의미는 비슷 … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for <영어 패턴> as much as 의 용법 영어 핵심 패턴 : As much as ~ 오늘 다루어볼 핵심 패턴은 as much as 입니다. … As much as I love this place 는 I love this place but ~ 의 구문과 의미는 비슷 … 영어 핵심 패턴 : As much as ~ 오늘 다루어볼 핵심 패턴은 as much as 입니다. 대체로 알고는 있지만 잘 사용하지 않는 표현이기는 한데요… 주절에 사용하기 보다는 종속절에서 부가적인 설명을 위해 필요한..
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전체 방문자

as much as 뜻 – as much as 한국어 뜻
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- Summary of article content: Articles about
as much as 뜻 – as much as 한국어 뜻
as much as 한국어 뜻: 정도로…. 자세한 한국어 번역 및 예문 보려면 클릭하십시오. … - Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for
as much as 뜻 – as much as 한국어 뜻
as much as 한국어 뜻: 정도로…. 자세한 한국어 번역 및 예문 보려면 클릭하십시오. as much as 한국어 뜻: 정도로…. 자세한 한국어 번역 및 예문 보려면 클릭하십시오as much as 뜻 as much as 한국어 뜻 as much as 한국어 번역, as much as 발음 - Table of Contents:

as ~ as ~ 구문, as much/many as ~ 구문 :: 3DMP
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- Reviews from users: 10095
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- Summary of article content: Articles about as ~ as ~ 구문, as much/many as ~ 구문 :: 3DMP I have ten times as many books as you have. as long as는 접속사로 쓰여요 ~하는 한. 이란 뜻이고요. 너가 나를 좋아하는 한 나도 너가 좋아. …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for as ~ as ~ 구문, as much/many as ~ 구문 :: 3DMP I have ten times as many books as you have. as long as는 접속사로 쓰여요 ~하는 한. 이란 뜻이고요. 너가 나를 좋아하는 한 나도 너가 좋아. as much/many as ~ 앞의 as 는 부사 뒤의 as 는 접속사 그래서 as as 사이에 형용사 or 부사가 올 수 있다 앞의 as 부사가 꾸며 줄 수 있는 것은 형용사와 부사 임으로… ex) as always as 와 always 둘다 부사 =..[3D] [M]athematic [P]hysics Engines
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as ~ as ~ 구문 as muchmany as ~ 구문

as much as 뜻
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- Reviews from users: 42119
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- Summary of article content: Articles about as much as 뜻 “as much as (one) can” 뜻. as much as (one) can. /æz mʌʧ æz (wʌn) kæn/. 구. “as much as (one) can” 예문. I want to help you as much as I can. …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for as much as 뜻 “as much as (one) can” 뜻. as much as (one) can. /æz mʌʧ æz (wʌn) kæn/. 구. “as much as (one) can” 예문. I want to help you as much as I can.
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much as 뜻 – …이기는 하지만, …만큼, …만큼이나, …와
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- Reviews from users: 38610
- Top rated: 4.8
- Lowest rated: 1
- Summary of article content: Articles about much as 뜻 – …이기는 하지만, …만큼, …만큼이나, …와 이기는 하지만, …만큼, …만큼이나, …와 거의 같게. …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for much as 뜻 – …이기는 하지만, …만큼, …만큼이나, …와 이기는 하지만, …만큼, …만큼이나, …와 거의 같게. …이기는 하지만, …만큼, …만큼이나, …와 거의 같게
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much as 뜻 의미 ☆
much as 연관 단어
much as 예문 용법
as much 뜻 – 영어 사전 | as much 의미 해석
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- Reviews from users: 12543
- Top rated: 3.0
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- Summary of article content: Articles about as much 뜻 – 영어 사전 | as much 의미 해석 Definition of as much in English Dictionary · Likewise, similarly, in a similar manner. · (with as) Almost, very nearly. · (with as) An emphatic, emphasizing … …
- Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for as much 뜻 – 영어 사전 | as much 의미 해석 Definition of as much in English Dictionary · Likewise, similarly, in a similar manner. · (with as) Almost, very nearly. · (with as) An emphatic, emphasizing … as much 의미, as much 한국어, as much 해석, as much 번역, as much 발음, as much 문장, as much 예, 이중 언어 사전, 영어 사전에서 한국어 내부, 우리는 어떻게 설명 할as much영어 단어 그것은? as much영어 단어는 다음과 같은 의미를 한국어 :많은, 만큼. Meaning of as much for the defined word. 문법적으로, 이 관용구 “as much” 는 실없는 말, 좀 더 구체적으로, 전치사구. 그것은 또한 부사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 서로 비교할 수가 없 부사. 그것은 또한 전치사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 전치사구.
- Table of Contents:
Definition of as much in English Dictionary
Meaning of as much for the defined word

See more articles in the same category here:
as many as, as much as (무려)
as many as, as much as (무려/많게는)
우리 가끔씩
‘값이 무려 얼마다’라는 말을 하는데,
영어로는 어떻게 할까요?
오늘은 이 ‘무려’에 해당하는 표현을 배워
우선 알아야 할 게
as many as
as much as
이 둘은 다른 원급 비교(as ~ as)처럼
as many as: ~(수) 만큼 많이
as much as: ~(양) 만큼 많이
라는 뜻을 갖고 있어요.
You can take as many as you want.
니가 원하는 (수) 만큼 많이 가져가도 된다.
You eat as much as I do.
(= You eat as much as me.)
너는 내가 먹는 (양)만큼 많이 먹는다.
즉, 나만큼 많이 먹는다.
바로 이 as many as, as much as가
‘무려/많게는’이라는 뜻도 갖는데,
‘~만큼이나 많은’에서 나왔다고 착안하면
이해가 빨리 될 수 있습니다.
There are as many as 100,000 people on the streets.
거리에 무려 십만 명의 사람들이 있다
(← 거리에 십만 명 만큼이나 많은 사람들이 있다)
She spent as much as $5,000 on clothes yesterday.
그녀는 어제 옷에다(옷 사느라) 무려 5천불을 썼다.
(← 그녀는 5천 불만큼이나 많은 돈을 옷에다 썼다)
*돈은 ‘양’ 취급. How much is it?에서 착안
조금 이해가 되세요?
그럼 작문을 통해 몇 문장을 더 만들어 보면서
확실히 잡아 보겠습니다.
그녀는 무려 30마리의 개를 갖고 있다.
She has as many as 30 dogs.
무려 백 명의 학생들이 한 교실에 있다.
As many as 100 students are in one classroom.
그 새 모델은 (값이) 무려 천 불 갈 것이다(cost)
The new model will cost as much as $1,000.
영어 공부를 하시다가 막히거나 힘들 때
이용해주세요! -> 영어공부 QNA
토익 만점, 해외 생활 14년(미국 8년)에
주인장이 힘껏 도와드리겠습니다!
as ~ as ~ 구문, as much
as as 는 형용사나 부사 등을 강조하는 용법입니다.
강조하고 싶은 대상이 있을 때.
양 옆으로 as as를 감싸주고,
그 뒤에는 ~만큼 이란 뜻이 되도록, 명사 또는 문장을 넣어줍니다.
나는 키가 크다. I am tall. 인데 tall을 강조/부연설명 하고 싶어요. 농구선수만큼 키크다라고요. 그럼,
I am as tall as a basketball player.
또 볼까요.
아이유는 예쁘다. IU is pretty. 에서 인형처럼 예쁘다.고 말하고 싶으면
IU is as pretty as a doll.
문장이 오는 걸 해 보면요
나는 너만큼(너가 기뻐하는 만큼, 너 못지 않게) 기뻐.
I am as happy as you are.
are뒤에는 happy가 반복되므로 생략되었습니다.
보통 문장이 오면 반복이 되므로 일부 생략을 많이 합니다.
그녀는 더할나위 없이 친절하다.
She is as kind as can be.
can앞에 she가 생략.
그는 있는 힘껏 달린다. He runs as fast as possible.
= He runs as fast as he can. (can 뒤에 run이 생략)
너무 자주쓰는 말인 ASAP, 일명 아삽이라고 하는 as soon as possible도 있지요.
이것은 새 거나 다름 없다. This is as good as new. (new 앞에 it is 생략)
그는 죽은 것과 다름 없다. He is as good as dead.
그는 파산한 거나 다름 없다. He is as good as bankrupt.
as good as ~ 는 ~나 다름없다는 숙어처럼 쓰입니다. good이 좋다는 뜻 외에 ~에 상당하다는 뜻이 있거든요.
China is as large as US. 중국은 미국만큼이나 넓다. 무한정 응용 가능 하죠?
우리말에도 ~처럼 ~하다 할때 동물이나 사물에 비유 하잖아요.
여우처럼 약삭빠르다. 늑대처럼 음흉하다. 누워서 떡먹기처럼 시시하다. 불같이 화낸다. 등등…
영어에서 그런 표현 모아봤습니다.
as blind as a bat 박쥐처럼 눈먼, 앞을 잘 못보는 as brave as a lion 사자처럼 용맹한, 매우 용맹한 as hungry as a hawk 매처럼 배고픈, 매우 시장한 as hungry as a bear 곰처럼 배고픈, 매우 시장한 as busy as a beaver 비버처럼 바쁜, 매우 바쁜 as mad as a beaver 비버처럼 화난, 불같이 화난 as sly as a fox 여우처럼 약삭빠른, 매우 약은 as cunning as a fox 상동 as happy as a king 왕처럼 행복한, 매우 행복한 as white as a sheet 시트처럼 하얀, 창백한, 핏기없는 as busy as a bee 꿀벌처럼 바쁜, 몹시 바쁜 as cold as a cucumber 오이처럼 침착한, 대단히 침착한 as proud as a peacock 공작처럼 뽐내는, 몹시 뽐내는
몇 배 만큼 ~하다는 표현도 가능해요..
형식은 이래요 = 몇 배 as 형용사/부사(+명사) as 어쩌고~
이곳에는 가게가 많다. 근데 그냥 많은게 아니라 옛날 보다 2배 많다. 고 하려면요.
원래문장은 There are many shops here.잖아요. 그럼 이제 저 as as 형식에 끼워 맞추면 돼요.
There are twice as many shops here as there used to be.
난 너보다 책이 10배 많아. 하면
I have ten times as many books as you have.
as long as는 접속사로 쓰여요 ~ 하는 한. 이란 뜻이고요.
너가 나를 좋아하는 한 나도 너가 좋아.
I like you as long as you are.
그는 먹는거라면 죄다 먹는다.
He can eat anything as long as it’s edible.
관용적으로 굳어져서 long이 ‘길다’ 아닌 비유적인 의미를 갖지만 형식은 위와 같다는 것이 보이죠?
또 다른 관용어구인 as far as I’m concerned 도 지금까지 제 설명을 이해하셨다면
So you have finished reading the as much as 뜻 topic article, if you find this article useful, please share it. Thank you very much. See more: As much as 예문, As much A as B 뜻, As much as 용법, As much as possible 뜻, As much as 접속사, As much as as many as 차이, As many as 뜻, As as 구문 뜻