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Final Fantasy 3 Full Walkthrough Gameplay – No Commentary (PC Longplay)
Final Fantasy 3 Full Walkthrough Gameplay – No Commentary (PC Longplay)

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IGN Error 403 – Unavailable (IFW-U01)

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about IGN Error 403 – Unavailable (IFW-U01) Welcome to IGN Gue’s complete walkthrough for Final Fantasy III DS. Please keep in mind that the walkthrough, generally, goes in sequential order. Calls. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for IGN Error 403 – Unavailable (IFW-U01) Welcome to IGN Gue’s complete walkthrough for Final Fantasy III DS. Please keep in mind that the walkthrough, generally, goes in sequential order. Calls.
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IGN Error 403 – Unavailable (IFW-U01)

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Final Fantasy 3 – Solution – Finaland

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Final Fantasy 3 – Solution – Finaland Coincé dans Final Fantasy III ? Désireux de ne manquer aucun coffre ? Vous êtes au bon endroit ! Grâce à cette solution découpée en 29 sections, … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Final Fantasy 3 – Solution – Finaland Coincé dans Final Fantasy III ? Désireux de ne manquer aucun coffre ? Vous êtes au bon endroit ! Grâce à cette solution découpée en 29 sections, … Votre site de référence sur la saga Final Fantasy et toute l’actualité Square Enix
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Final Fantasy 3 – Solution – Finaland

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Final Fantasy III — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Final Fantasy III — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Final Fantasy III | Table of Contents | Gameplay | Walkthrough … Final Fantasy III is a RPG and the third game in the Final Fantasy series … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Final Fantasy III — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki Final Fantasy III | Table of Contents | Gameplay | Walkthrough … Final Fantasy III is a RPG and the third game in the Final Fantasy series …
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Final Fantasy III — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
Final Fantasy III — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

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Final Fantasy III Walkthrough – Where to go, missable bestiary entries and chests, step-by-step guide | RPG Site

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Final Fantasy III Walkthrough – Where to go, missable bestiary entries and chests, step-by-step guide | RPG Site What the walkthrough will not do: Offer strategies for bosses or party build. Dungeon Walkthroughs. The dungeons in FF3 Pixel Remaster are very … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Final Fantasy III Walkthrough – Where to go, missable bestiary entries and chests, step-by-step guide | RPG Site What the walkthrough will not do: Offer strategies for bosses or party build. Dungeon Walkthroughs. The dungeons in FF3 Pixel Remaster are very … Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to getting through the Pixel Remaster version of Final Fantasy III
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1) The Onion Kids Alter Cave Ur and Kazus

2 Castle Sasune and the Sealed Cave

3 Canaan Dragon’s Peak and Tozus

4 Viking Cove and Nepto Temple

5 Tokkul the Village of the Ancients and Continent Exploration

6 Gulgan Gulch and the Tower of Owen

7 Gysahl Dwarven Hollows Subterranean Lake and Molten Cave

8 Hein Castle

9 Argus Castle and Leaving the Floating Continent

10 The Flooded World the Wrecked Ship and the Cave of Tides

11 Amur and the Golder Manor

12 Saronia and the Dragoons

13 Doga’s Manor and Optional Events

14 Temple of Time Unei’s Shrine and the Ancient Ruins

15 Optional Events with the Invincible

16 The Cave of Darkness and the Earth Crystal

17 Doga’s Manor Dungeon

18 Final Dungeon Gauntlet – The Ancient Labyrinth Crystal Tower Eureka and World of Darkness

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough - Where to go, missable bestiary entries and chests, step-by-step guide | RPG Site
Final Fantasy III Walkthrough – Where to go, missable bestiary entries and chests, step-by-step guide | RPG Site

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about final fantasy 3 soluce Full Game Gues · Gue and Walkthrough by Colfas NES. v.1.1, 191KB, 2000 · Gue and Walkthrough by System_Error NES. v.1.45, 266KB, 2005 · Gue and … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for final fantasy 3 soluce Full Game Gues · Gue and Walkthrough by Colfas NES. v.1.1, 191KB, 2000 · Gue and Walkthrough by System_Error NES. v.1.45, 266KB, 2005 · Gue and …
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Walkthrough:Final Fantasy III/Hexed | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Walkthrough:Final Fantasy III/Hexed | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom Requirements to use this walkthrough. A body,; A brain,; A Nintendo DS,; A Final Fantasy III DS game,; An internet connection,; The ability to read, … …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Walkthrough:Final Fantasy III/Hexed | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom Requirements to use this walkthrough. A body,; A brain,; A Nintendo DS,; A Final Fantasy III DS game,; An internet connection,; The ability to read, …
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Walkthrough:Final Fantasy III/Hexed | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Walkthrough:Final Fantasy III/Hexed | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom

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Hardcore Droid’s Final Fantasy III Walkthrough

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  • Summary of article content: Articles about Hardcore Droid’s Final Fantasy III Walkthrough Introduction. The infamous Final Fantasy III—the real one, not the one we in America know as FF3, which was actually Final Fantasy VI. …
  • Most searched keywords: Whether you are looking for Hardcore Droid’s Final Fantasy III Walkthrough Introduction. The infamous Final Fantasy III—the real one, not the one we in America know as FF3, which was actually Final Fantasy VI. Eric Miller’s Exclusive Final Fantasy III Walkthrough for the Android and iOS Players
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Hardcore Droid's Final Fantasy III Walkthrough
Hardcore Droid’s Final Fantasy III Walkthrough

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Final Fantasy III

Final Fantasy III Pixel Remaster Developer(s) TOSE Publisher(s) Square Enix Year released 2021 System(s) iOS, Android, Windows


This guide is for the game that was originally a Japanese-exclusive NES game. For the North American SNES game, see Final Fantasy VI.

Final Fantasy III is a RPG and the third game in the Final Fantasy series. It was developed and published by Square and released exclusively in Japan in 1990 for the NES. It introduced many characters, monsters, and concepts that would become standard in the Final Fantasy series. However, Final Fantasy III was not released in the US until 2006 when it was ported to the Nintendo DS. It was the first game in the series to use the job system (where you could change your class at will), which would be reused in Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy X-2.

Unlike other remakes which were merely used improved sprites and a few FMVs, the Nintendo DS remake includes completely new 3D graphics, as well as redone music. The characters also have genders and names: Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus. The jobs have also been adjusted to make all of them equally useful and the capacity points have been modified.

Nintendo DS box

Pixel Remaster

Final Fantasy III Walkthrough – Where to go, missable bestiary entries and chests, step-by-step guide

The Pixel Remaster release of Final Fantasy III marks the first time that the 2D version of the game is officially playable in English. If you are looking to 100% the game and get all achievements, we’re here to help.

This walkthrough is a minimalist bullet point guide for those who don’t want to dive into a dense lengthy walkthrough, but also for those who don’t want to miss anything that will prevent you from getting 100% bestiary and chests. Unlike Final Fantasy II, the provided in-game map is all you need for dungeon exploration. Simply open it up to take a look where chests are, secret passage entries are readily apparent, and it’ll let you know how many chests you’ve picked up.

This guide will not offer much in terms of boss strategies or party builds, but keep in mind that sometimes certain classes are designed to be effective against certain bosses. Don’t get attached to a single team for too long, sometimes taking a moment to swap out a few classes and equipment will make things a lot easier. I will mention a few key tricks throughout, but otherwise experiment with the classes and see for yourself what you like. Check out our Final Fantasy III Jobs guide for some more tips.

What this walkthrough will do:

Offer a minimalist walkthrough so you know what you need to do at any point in the game.

Point out missable treasure chests and enemies so you can complete the game 100%.

What the walkthrough will not do:

Offer strategies for bosses or party build.

Dungeon Walkthroughs. The dungeons in FF3 Pixel Remaster are very straightforward. Use the in-game map and you will absolutely not get lost.

1.) The Onion Kids, Alter Cave, Ur, and Kazus

Final Fantasy III does not have many missable items or bestiary entries but it does have a few. This guide will make it clear throughout where to keep an eye out for these missables.

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The game opens up in Alter Cave. After some opening events, you’ll be able to grab some chests and soon you will get your first classes. A Warrior, Monk, White Mage, and Black Mage is a classic starting class setup.

Once the game takes you out of the cave, you can return to the cave for more chests, allowing you to pick up all from the area. You can check the in-game map to get your bearings and to make sure you’ve collected everything.

The first town you’ll run into is that of Ur. Talk to the NPCs in the SW building for some story. Buy equipment for your characters. Many town areas have both chests as well as invisible items, usually hidden in pots or grass. You can pick up all the items and chests in Ur your first time here – make sure you click the right torch in the rear house. It’s also worth mentioning it’s worthwhile to pick up items in any town before shopping, as you’ll often simply find items instead of needing to buy them.

A note on chests and items in towns

Most towns have both items and chests that can be found by the player. The in-game map doesn’t point out where these are exactly, but it does track how many you have found in each town and how many are left to find. For the most part, this guide will not point out where exactly these items/chests are, unless they are especially tricky, because most can be found with relatively little trouble just by searching normally. Most items are invisible and can be found in grass, pots, and the like around town.

This guide will also note any item that is missable. There are no missable items in Ur.

Go South to Kazus. Talk to the guy near the campfire and get the 5 items in town. This city has a secret path in the woods on West side where you can walk through the trees to another area of town – keep an eye out for these. Sometimes these hidden paths have some sort of indication of where they are, such as a crack in a wall. Talk to Cid in the Pub. Don’t worry much about the Mythril Mines in the back of town just yet. Fight here if you want, but I’ll address it in the next section.

Get Airship in the nearby desert. Go to the NW Castle Sasune.

2. Castle Sasune and the Sealed Cave

Talk to the King at Castle Sasune and he’ll ask you to save Sara. Go into the left tower to fight some undead enemies and get chests. Search around the main building and right tower for chests, including secret passageways. You’ll be able to grab all the chests, but you won’t be able to get the item for this location yet.

Go to the Sealed Cave, north of the lake. Pick up all five chests, find Sara, defeat Jin. Most dungeons in the game are pretty straightforward like this one.

You’ll Warp back to Castle Sasune and get the canoe (the last items for the area). Note you can now fight new enemies in the pond using the canoe.

Go back to Kazus. Cid will join. You can now get the chests in the Mythril Mines here, just press the button. The enemies here are the same as the Sealed Cave and in the tower in Castle Sasune.

3. Canaan, Dragon’s Peak, and Tozus

You can now use the airship to break the boulder nearby town on the world map (you may need to talk to an NPC in town about the boulder first). Go south to Canaan. You can get all the chests and items in the town. Again, this guide won’t point out where these chests and items are, just search around and you should be able to find them relatively readily. Give Cid’s wife an Elixir, which you should have found laying around.

Go to Dragon’s Peak nearby. Get all the chests. Run away from Bahamut at the top, you can’t win. Desch will join the party and also give you the Mini spell.

You are in a new area of the map, but don’t worry, you’ll be able to return to the Ur/Sasune area fairly soon. Enter the Healing Copse for some heals from the ponds, but there’s nothing else here.

Use Mini on your party and enter the dwarven town of Tozus. You can grab all the chests and items here. You are going to have to do some fighting as Mini’d characters soon, so you will want to switch everyone to Black or White Mages for this part . Train a bit, buy magic, and heal at the Inn. Use an antidote on the Gnome in the NW building to enter Tozus Tunnel.

. Train a bit, buy magic, and heal at the Inn. Use an antidote on the Gnome in the NW building to enter Tozus Tunnel. Continue through Tozus Tunnel; there are no items here. Because you are Mini’d, your physical attacks are near worthless here, so stick to magic.

4. Viking Cove and Nepto Temple

After leaving Tozus Tunnel, you can un-Mini and enter Viking Cove. (You will have to Mini again very soon, so keep your mage classes for now). Talk to the pirate captain and he’ll ask you to take out the Nepto Dragon. You can pick up six chests here.

Missable Bestiary Entry Note – Nepto Dragon

The pirate captain warned you about Nepto, and you cannot hope to beat it in a straight fight. However, in order to add it to your bestiary, you need to encounter Nepto at least once. When you leave the Viking Cove, get on the Enterprise ship, and go up. You’ll run into Nepto. Flee as soon as you can. This will add Nepto Dragon to your bestiary.

Also, in case you were curious, none of the other enemies you’ve encountered up until now are missable, so don’t worry. If there’s a creature you managed to not encounter, you can always get them later.

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Leave the Viking Cove from the North Side. Here, enter the Enterprise and travel North to encounter the Nepto Dragon once on the ship to add it to your bestiary. This is missable!

Enter the Nepto Temple north of Viking Cove. Despite appearances, this is not a one-time-only area. You’ll need to Mini yourself once again to get in, which is why I mentioned to keep your mage party for now. Beat the Giant Rat boss, then go back and put the Jewel in the statue eye. You’ll be able to get the 3 chests and 2 items to complete the area collection.

Now that Nepto is taken care of, you’ll get the Enterprise boat. You can now travel the inner sea of the continent, and you can return to the Ur/Sasune area if you need to.

5. Tokkul, the Village of the Ancients, and Continent Exploration

Go SW from the Viking cove to reach the city of Tokkul. You can get all 5 chests and 2 items here now – enter the fireplace in the Elder’s house for some of these.

Go west across the desert to the to Living Woods. You can talk to the Fairies, but otherwise there’s nothing here. The Item listed on the map for this location you’ll get later as part of the story.

Missable Location Note

The Living Woods is technically a missable location as it will become inaccessible later in the game, so be sure to visit it in order to get the Wayfarer trophy later.

Go to Chocobo Forest west of the desert. Nothing here but a chocobo you can ride.

Go to Village of the Ancients further west. There is a Serpent Sword in a tree on the East side, but otherwise no chests. Go shopping, but note you can get the arrows in chests later. An NPC here will reward you with a Gnomish Bread if riding around the whole continent on a chocobo. With the Pixel Remaster’s built-in map, Gnomish Bread is pretty worthless, but this only takes a moment.

Now is a great time to wander the small continent, looking for new enemies in various places or collecting any chests you’ve missed. The only areas you cannot enter at the moment are a few in the outer sea areas.

You can go to Argus Castle now, which is abandoned roughly in the center of the map, but you won’t be able to get every chest yet. However, you can pick up several money chests if needed.

6. Gulgan Gulch and the Tower of Owen

Go to Gulgan Gulch, west of Argus Castle. You’ll get Toad magic and can pick up all three chests here.

The Tower of Owen is a dungeon near the north of the continent. In the first floor room, you’ll need to Toad your party in order to go deeper into the tower, but unlike the Mini dungeons, you don’t have to stay Toad’ed. Cast the spell on your party, dive, and then cast Toad on your party again to nullify the effect. Proceed through the dungeon and collect all nine chests. It’s once again very straightforward like most dungeons in the game, just use your map.

Once you beat Medusa in the Tower of Owen, the whirlpool preventing you from accessing the outer water section will disappear.

7. Gysahl, Dwarven Hollows, Subterranean Lake, and Molten Cave

Head to Gysahl, which is on the East side of the outer ring of water. Get all items and grab the chest in the Key shop by using the secret passage left of the entrance door, just above it. This chest has a Shuriken. You can hold onto this for the game’s final boss, or sell it for cash. Don’t waste it otherwise.

Buy a handful of magic keys, ten should be plenty. With two magic keys you can get all the chests in Argus Castle. You can’t get the two other Items yet, however.

Go to Dwarven Hollows on the NW side of the outer sea. You can’t get the chests or item here yet. You’ll learn an Ice Horn was stolen, so go west into the Subterranean Lake. You can get all chests here. Defeat the boss.

Back at Dwarven Hollows, talk to the center Dwarf. The other Ice Horn will be stolen. Go to the Molten Cave just north of the Hollows.

You can get all chests in the Molten Cave too. Defeat the boss and get your second set of jobs.

Back at the Dwarven Hollows – an NPC will warn you about enemies wanting to burn Tokkul, more on that in the next section. Talk to the lower right dwarf to unlock the treasury and get all the chests. Another dwarf will give you a Magic Key, which completes the item collection for the area.

8. Hein Castle

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One-time-only Area Warning – Missable Chests and Bestiary Entries

Note that before you enter Tokkul, you are about to enter a one-time-only dungeon area that you cannot revisit. This is the first such location in the game. Be on the lookout for Demon, Pharoah, Lemur, Dullahan, and Lamia.

Lamias seem more common on the upper floors closer to the boss room. Dullahans are somewhat rare, they can be found near the chest with the Royal Sword.

Finally, before you fight Hein, check your map to make sure you got all the chests. You won’t be able to check it when you leave the dungeon.

Go to Tokkul. You’ll be taken to Hein Castle, a one-time-only dungeon.

Get the Mini spell from the NPC. Go through the secret wall in the West wall and fight the soldier. Cast Mini and go into the hole. As noted in the above warning, make sure you collect the chests and fight Demon, Pharoah, Lemur, Dullahan, and Lamia. Lamias seem more common on the upper floors closer to the boss room. Dullahans are somewhat rare, they can be found near the chest with the Royal Sword.

You’ll want a Black Mage and a Scholar before taking on Hein. Use the Scholar to determine his weakness, and then nuke him with the Black Mage.

After some events, you’ll finally get the item for the Living Woods – the Fang of Wind.

9. Argus Castle and Leaving the Floating Continent

Go back to Argus castle. Talk to the King to get a Wheel of Time. Talk to a White Mage in the NW tower to get some Elixirs. This will finish off the chest/item collection in Argus Castle.

Return to Cid in Canaan and you’ll turn the Enterprise into an airship. Now you can leave the Floating Continent and venture into the wider world of Final Fantasy III.

Just as a note, if you’ve been diligent up to this point, you should have all chests and items in all locations on the world map so far. You also can have entries 1-74 in your bestiary, as well as 196-203.

10. The Flooded World, the Wrecked Ship, and the Cave of Tides

You cannot do much in the Flooded World when you first get there. Head to the Wrecked Ship in the NE.

Missable Item Note

The two chests in the Wrecked Ship are sitting in plain sight, but are technically missable, so, get them.

In the Wrecked Ship, the two Chests are in plain sight but technically missable. Collect these and then use an antidote on the girl in bed. Get Aria on your team.

Go to the Temple of Water to the SE and get the Water Shard. No items here.

Go to the Cave of Tides nearby. No chests here either (kinda weird huh). Defeat Kraken at the end and all the ocean water will go back to normal. The Wrecked Ship will disappear, so hopefully you got those two chests. You will also unlock new jobs.

11. Amur and the Golder Manor

In Amur, pick up the hidden items and shop around. Note, it’s worthwhile to have both a Thief and Black Belt in the party, and then can nearly carry you to the end of the game. Talk to the NPC in the upper right house, and then go through Amur Sewers dungeon which has a few chests in hidden rooms, but nothing missable.

Head to Golder Manor south of Amur. No missable enemies or chests, but can collect them all. The Golden Swords you find are only worth selling.

You’ll find a key that ultimately unlocks the Enterprise so you can once again explore the world.

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12. Saronia and the Dragoons

If you are exploring the world, be on the lookout for a walled castle area with an apparent war going on. If you fly too close, you’ll get shot down. This leads to the next story elements, so only do this if you are ready to move on.

Missable Bestiary Entry Note – Sea Dragon (and other Sea creatures)

The Enterprise is the only ship that can land in water, and once you get shot down over Saronia, you lose this ability forever.

In other versions of Final Fantasy 3, the sea monsters found either in the outer sea of the floating continent or on the main world map are missable. These creatures are the Anet, Mermaid, Seahorse, Sea Serpent, and most crucially the rarer Sea Dragon. Make sure you have all these creatures before you lose the Enterprise. Note the Sea Dragon looks just like the Sea Serpent, but a different color.

Reportedly, in the Pixel Remaster, it seems you can also get these creatures from the canoe on rivers, which makes them non-missable in this version of the game. I cannot verify this, but to be safe, make sure to get these entries now, just in case.

Head to towns of Duster and Replito for items magic. Duster is on a center island while Replito is in the North West.

When done exploring the world in the Enterprise, fly close to Saronia and get shot down.

There are four town sections of Saronia. NE has an Elixir hidden in a tree, but most shops are closed at the moment. Go to the SW section of Saronia. The SE house here has a hidden room with chests. Enter the pub for a quick fight, and Alus will join the party.

Highly Missable Hidden Items Note – Alus in Saronia

When Alus joins the party in SW Saronia, talk to two of the old men in the town to get some Dragoon equipment. This is only available when Alus is with you, which is not for very long. This is probably the most easily missed thing in Final Fantasy 3. You’ll get some Dragoon equipment.

When Alus joins you in SW Saronia, Talk to two of the old NPCs in SW Saronia. They will give you Dragoon equipment. You can only do this for a short period of time when Alus is with you , so this is missable!

Head to the Dragon Spire in SE Dragonia to get some more chests. The game is giving you a bunch of Dragoon equipment, I wonder why…

Change your whole party into Dragoons (all four characters, yes, and equip them with spears, Wind Spears if you have them) and head to Saronia Castle. After some events, you’ll fight Garuda. Use Jump and you should win unless you are very unlucky.

After the fight, head to the secret wall to the right to find a treasury with a bunch of chests. Afterward, leave the bedroom. The SW door has a Mage and a secret passage with a few chests. The SE room will give you the Nautilus airship.

A bunch of shops open up in Saronia now.

13. Doga’s Manor and Optional Events

Fly Nautilus to Doga’s Manor in the South continent. You’ll have to go through Cave of the Circle as mini characters once again, though there are no chests here.

Once you finish this dungeon, three optional events can be done. You do not have to do these right now. Optional Dungeon – Sunken Cave. Go to the bottom of the ocean near the East triangle island. Optional Dungeon – Saronia Catacombs. Go to the bottom of the ocean to the SE of Saronia. This optional dungeon leads to Odin. Optional City- Go to the ocean floor West of Goldor mansion. You can go through some underwater mountains to get to Doga’s Village. You can buy rank 7 magic here.

14. Temple of Time, Unei’s Shrine, and the Ancient Ruins

At the bottom tip of the western continent, go to the bottom of the ocean floor, you can go through the Temple of Time. This dungeon leads to Noah’s Lute. Note, the last waterfall room in the temple has a hidden path in the upper right.

On the main overworld, slightly north of here is a cave entrance, which is Unei’s Shrine. Use Noah’s Lute to wake her up.

Roughy in the center north of the big West continent are the Ancient Ruins. Go through here. Dark Knights help to prevent enemies from splitting. You’ll find a shop, and eventually the Invincible Airship.

From here on out, you can toggle between the big Invincible or fast/submerging Nautilus airships, depending on where you need to go.

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15. Optional Events with the Invincible

Optional Dungeon – Lake Dohr. You can go back to the Floating Continent with the Invincible, and in the lake where you see the monster floating around, you can ‘jump’ the mountains with the airship. Find a thin patch of land and click the action button. While this dungeon is one-time-only in the NES version of FF3, it is not in the Pixel remaster, so no chest or enemy here is missable.

Optional Dungeon – Bahamut’s Lair. You can use Invincible to jump a mountain SE of the Viking Cove on the floating continent. You then fight Bahamut.

Optional – Falgabard. You can use Invincible to jump mountains in the South center of the West main continent. This is the city of Falagbard. Go behind the waterfall to fight a Shinobi to get a Kiku-Ichimonji. Then follow the water to 4 more hidden items. The Falgabard cave has even more chests..

Other Note – Now is a good time to make sure you visit all the Chocobo Woods both on the Floating Continent and the main overworld, in order to get the Adventurous Wayfarer achievement. This page on the Final Fantasy Wiki should help.

16. The Cave of Darkness and the Earth Crystal

North of Amur, near the desert, you can use the Invincible to ‘hop’ over the mountain maze in order to get to the Cave of Darkness dungeon. Once again, Dark Knights will help here to prevent the enemy from splitting.

Now that you have all four Fang key items, you can break the statues on the North side of the East continent. Walk between them to do so, and use the Invincible to ‘jump’ the mountains to the final dungeon area of the game. You won’t be doing these dungeons *quite yet*, but soon.

You’ll enter the Ancient Labyrinth. You can explore if you want, but you’ll be coming back here later, so don’t worry about it for now and go straight North to the Earth Crystal. Fight Titan and get three new jobs, including an upgrade for your White and Black Mages in the Devout and Magus.

17. Doga’s Manor Dungeon

You’ll need to head back to Doga’s Manor, which required the Nautilus instead of the Invincible. Note that the final one-time-only dungeon is coming up, so make sure you make a Save and are prepared.

One-time-only Area Warning – Missable Chests and Bestiary Entries

When you enter Doga’s Manor, he will take you to a one-time-only dungeon, meaning more missable chests and bestiary entries. As usual, before taking on the boss, make sure you check your map to check that you’ve collected all the chests.

As for enemies, you’ll want to be sure to fell: Nemesis, Cyclops, Peryton, Humbaba, and Ogre.

When you finish the dungeon, you’ll get two key items – the Syrcus Key and Eureka Key

18. Final Dungeon Gauntlet – The Ancient Labyrinth, Crystal Tower, Eureka, and World of Darkness

At this point in the game, you’ve gotten all the missable chests and bestiary entries before the final dungeon gauntlet.

Now you can go through the Ancient Labyrinth for real and grab all the chests. Even though it is a near-final dungeon, it is still pretty straightforward. Just open your map to see where the chests are and how to continue.

Afterwards, you are given a chance to save outside and enter the Crystal Tower. The Final Dungeon in Final Fantasy 3 is notoriously long – in fact it’s nearly three final dungeons in one.

On the first floor of the crystal tower, you can pick up a few chests and either enter Eureka (the bottom door) or continue up the tower (the top door). You use the Syrcus Key and Eureka Key respectively to open these doors.

You want to enter Eureka first, which holds many powerful weapons for your characters. Even still, proceeding through this dungeon is relatively straightforward, just continue to check your map. Each of the floating orbs or weapons you’ll meet have boss encounters you’ll need to take down, so be aware.

At the end of Eureka, there are some of the final shops in the game, plus a chance to heal up. You can Teleport from here to return to the entrance and save.

Now you can do the rest of Crystal Tower, which despite its length, it still relatively straightforward. By now you’ve probably gotten adept at checking your map and determining where secret passages are. For those looking to fill the Bestiary, the Yellow, Green, and Red Dragons are rare encounters on the 5th, 6th, and 7th floor respectively. These encounters are effectively bosses, so be prepared.

At the top of the Crystal Tower, you’ll see a room with five dragon statues. THIS IS YOUR POINT OF NO RETURN. Make sure you have done everything you want to before heading onward. You should have a healthy supply of elixirs by this point.

The World of Darkness is the game’s final dungeon. You’ll head to the NW, SW, NE, and SE corners of the map to find a boss-guarded Ribbon and a boss-guarded crystal.

The Cloud of Darkness is a tough yet predictable Final Boss, doing an AOE damage attack every round. Have a Ninja throwing Shurikens, another heavy hitter, and probably two dedicated healers. Now’s the time to use your elixirs! You’ll get them back in the clear save anyway, so don’t skimp on them now!

Note, once you beat the game, you’ll be prompted to make a clear save, which will bring you out of the dungeon as if you’ve completed everything up until the Final Boss encounter itself. Use this opportunity to collect anything you might have missed at this point.

Hardcore Droid’s Final Fantasy III Walkthrough


The infamous Final Fantasy III—the real one, not the one we in America know as FF3, which was actually Final Fantasy VI. This is the real deal. After over a decade and a half, we get a new 3D version of a classic game that we can now pay for rather than play an illegal ROM of.

Ready? Here we go!

The Alter Cave

The game opens with Luneth falling into a cave and realizing that he’s got to get out. When you exit, a cut scene starts and you fight with the first boss, Land Turtle. After you beat the ferocious Land Turtle, a voice calls out to you to be a hero. It turns out to be the Crystal and it sets you free with the task of saving the world!

Ur and Kazus

You leave the cave and enter your hometown of Ur. Speak with Elder Topapa, your adopted father, who tells you that you are chosen to save the world by gathering the crystals. Typical.

Arc, your BFF, is being made fun of in the top-right part of the Ur map. Arc runs away from the bullies and sets out to prove he’s not a coward.

Leave the town and head south to Kazus where Arc is waiting. Though he tries to be brave, you scare him and he joins your party. Equip him with something useful.

When exploring Kazus, look for Cid in the inn and learn that the people of Kazus have a curse put upon them where everyone is a ghost and the town is also blocked by a giant rock. When talking to Cid you get access to the airship and charged with the task of finding the Mythril Ring that restores everyone back to normal, but Takka the town smith is a ghost and his daughter Refia has gone missing!

The airship needed to fly out of there is in the desert west of the city. Refia, the missing daughter, is holed up, being lazy. You have a small back and forth where she confesses to being useless because she can’t make the much needed Mythril Ring, but luckily the King of Sasune has one. So you venture off to convince the King to let you use it.

Castle Sasune

You fly to Castle Sasune and see that—surprise, surprise—Castle Sasune is cursed too! Ingus, the castle’s knight greets you. You now have the 4th member of your party and the final Warrior of Light.

Head straight into the throne room and learn that the curse of Djinn has befallen everyone and the ring you need to save them is missing, along with the King’s daughter, who has the ring.

You have to then look for the secret passageway in the Sealed Cave for the skeleton key which can help somehow, I guess. They don’t say. Just look for it, monkey.

Head north above Castle Sasune and you’ll find the Sealed Cave.

The Sealed Cave and Becoming Warriors of Light

At the basement level of the Sealed Cave you can find a skull; zoom in on the skull and you’ll unlock a passageway that leads you to the missing Princess Sara.

She joins the party as she is a noble warrior princess who is an NPC.

You find Djinn, who looks like an evil genie. He can’t be banished by the lovely Princess Sara, so kick his ass and get ready for a twist.

After banishing Djinn, the Warriors of Light are transported to the Crystal room. I guess the Crystal wanted to speak with you.

The Crystal has infused you with the Power of Light. With the light, you can gather strength from the other crystals and become the legendary Warrior of Light!


Cue the credits and watch a tutorial from a cute Moogle about how to change jobs. You’ll need it in the future.

Escorting Cid to Canaan

After you leave the Crystal Cave, head back to Castle Sasune where you bless the Mythril Ring in the holy spring and save the cursed people.

For your deeds, King Sasune rewards you with a magical folding canoe? Okay, fair enough.

Head back to Kazus. Refia leaves your party when you enter the town, so go and speak with Cid again.

Cid asks for an escort to Canaan to see his wife again. Head to Refia’s house and speak with her father who’s going to make you a mythril ram for the airship so you can leave this one-horse town.

Head north into the Mythril Mine and, in the top-right corner, zoom in on the water bucket and open the secret passage. This leads right to the mythril you need for the ram. Go to the airship and who’s waiting? Refia! Joyousness!

Ram the crap out of the rock. The airship gets destroyed, so you gotta walk to Canaan. Once entering the town, Cid tells you that he only made the hull and that you have to speak with King Argus who built the engine.

If you go speak with Cid, you see that his wife is sick and a bottle of Elixir can cure her. Search around the town you can find the Elixir on a rock in the middle of the river. Get it and go get Mrs. Cid well again. For your trouble, you can enter a secret room where you get all kinds of goodies.

Dragon’s Peak and Saving Desch

Go into the inn where a crying, depressed woman is missing her beloved Desch. You take charge to find the vagrant. You can find him by heading next door to Dragon’s Peak.

Whenever you reach the top of the peak, you are carried away by the dragon and dropped off in its nest. In the top, left-hand corner is Desch, a cheeky little bastard that gives the best advice to run away from the very powerful dragon. Desch gives you Mini after you escape.

When you escape the dragon you land near Tozus and you get a chance to use Mini to visit the town.

The Town of Tozus

After using Mini, head south and wander around a bit and escape from any battles; you will lose them in your current mini state.

Head through Tozus to the other side of the mountains and arrive at Viking’s Cove.

Viking’s Cove and Nepto’s Temple

In Viking’s Cove you hear that a sea dragon destroyed the ships of the Vikings and they are all really pissy about it.

When you beat the Sea Dragon, you get their finest ship, the Enterprise! Salutations, plot device!

When you exit the cove, look for Nepto’s Temple. Nepto is the pissed-off sea dragon.

When you arrive in the temple, you see a statue of Nepto that has a jewel for one of its eyes missing. Use Mini to enter the head of the statue and make sure that all members of your party are either Black Mages or White Mages. This is going to be one of those levels.

Battling through Nepto Temple you find the Giant Rat, who has been holding onto the missing eye jewel.

When you take the jewel and place it back in the eye of Nepto, he gives you the Fang of Water. Return to Viking’s Cove and you get the Enterprise as Nepto has cooled his jets.

Castle Argus

When you get into the Enterprise, head northwest for Castle Argus to speak with King Argus, the master of the airship’s engine.

When you enter the castle, head into the second room. The farthest right candlestick on the wall opens a secret room with some goodies.

After looking around a bit and taking in all you can, you see that there’s no one here.

Exit the castle and change jobs back to what you had originally, if you want to.

Tokkul and the Village of the Ancients

Get back in the Enterprise and head south. Look for the small village of Tokkul that has been ransacked by invading forces from the western desert. And, surprise again, they were wearing the seal of Argus, the castle that had been deserted when you went looking for help from the king. You also hear rumors of a floating tree monster as well from the old folks that are still left in the village.

Once you’ve had your fill of Tokkul, head west past the desert through the forest to the Village of the Ancients, home of the sons and daughters of ancients who used to protect the Tower of Owen and the pillar that once supported the floating continent and divided the light and the dark. If you talk with the townspeople, you can learn about the history of light and dark that once yadda, yadda, yadda. Typical Final Fantasy storyline about the past.

When you exit the village, you can see a clearing with a small patch of woods inside. Go into that small patch and find Chocobo Woods!

Gulgan Gulch and the Tower of Owen

Head north and look for a cave. This is Gulgan Gulch, home of the Gulgans, a race of blind people that can see the future. Head downstairs and obtain the spell Toad that will allow you to enter the Tower of Owen.

In the Tower of Owen is where you discover the destiny of Desch, who had previously mentioned that his memories had vanished yet he was still compelled to journey along.

The Tower of Owen is east of the Gulch and is on a peninsula. Make sure your party is well-rested and equipped ‘cause we’re going in!

Going into the Tower of Owen, make sure you turn everyone into a toad. Turn left, head down the hall, turn right at the first hallway, go to the end, and turn right to go down the last hallway. Become a toad and enter the tower.

Once you get into the tower, reverse the Toad spell and continue on.

The Tower of Owen is real simple: climb the stairs, gather stuff, kill the boss.

One note: when a small cut scene cues about being lost, Desch will mention a switch for a hidden passageway. It’s right behind you in the small section of the walkway.

In another cut scene, Desch gives more clues as to who he is and keeps the mystery alive and well.

When you get to the top of the tower, you see the evil Medusa trying to destroy the tower in the name of Xande, the main bad guy of the game.

Medusa is weak against ice, so use Blizzard as often as you can and take her out.

Upon beating Medusa, Desch reveals his true destiny: he is the guardian of the tower—an ancient. Oh, snap!

He was sleeping on the job and was supposed to awaken when the tower was in danger and, because he was late, the only way to save the world is to sacrifice himself by flinging himself into a fire pit to stabilize the tower.

Before Desch dies, he teleports you to safety and tells you that the Power of Fire, the Fire Crystal, is on Dwarf Island. The maelstrom that was blocking you from entering has been cleared and you can progress.

Dwarven Hollows and Underground Lake

Head north and around the bend until you see a cave. Don’t enter now—that’s the Molten Cave, but don’t be stupid enough to stay. At least you know where it is. Below the cave is the Dwarven Hollows; that’s where you need to go.

Next to a platform is a little dwarf. Talk to him and you learn that Gutsco, some prick, has run away with the Horn of Ice through the underground lake! Let’s get him and kick his ass!

Turn yourself into a toad and head down the stairs at the far left-hand side of the screen. Jump into the lake and let’s seek out that pain in the ass, Gutsco.

The Underground Lake is a fairly straight shot right to Gutsco. When you get to him, beat him up with Fire spells.

Now that you have the Horn of Ice, turn back to the dwarves and, if you noticed that shadow following you, it was Gutsco. Told you he was annoying.

He steals both horns, now that you’ve led him to the shrine, and he escapes to the Molten Cave to get the power of the Fire Crystal for himself. Let’s go get him… again!

The Molten Cave

The Molten Cave is the same as any other dungeon. Look around and, if you have the patience and the skill level, gather as many items as you can.

There is, however, one small, tiny, little… problem. There’s molten lava on the floor that you can walk in, but every second you’re in this inescapable evil your party is damaged! Welcome to the deal breaker, kids; it’s annoying, but easily dealt with if you have the right number of potions and a strong enough White Mage.

The Fire Crystal is not that hard to locate. When you get to a portion of the cave where there’s a dead end with a treasure chest and a rock, zoom in on the rock and open the door to the side.

Enter the Crystal room and Gutsco attacks with an ugly monster called Salamander. As Salamander is a fire element, use Blizzard and beat him down. When you do, you obtain the power of the Fire Crystal and the Horns of Ice.

When you go back to the Dwarven Hollows, you obtain a magic key, an item that can open anything. Use it to get the dwarven treasure and loot to your heart’s desire.

Returning to Tokkul

As you exit the Hollows, you see a Tokkul citizen collapse and tell you that the village is about to be destroyed! Make haste warriors! You’re needed AGAIN!

You learn that Hein, a bad guy with the power to change his weak point, is stirring stuff up. Only a “Scholar” can see through his lies. Make Refia a Scholar; equip her with a Book of Fire and a Book of Ice from the dwarf treasure cove; level her up with some grinding; and let’s go kick some shapeshifting ass!

When you enter Tokkul, you are paralyzed and captured… So much for that. You are taken to Castle Hein.

Captured at Castle Hein

Turns out Castle Hein is in a carved-out and cursed Elder Tree of the Living Woods. Not only that, the Argus soldiers that have been causing trouble are also cursed by Hein, the advisor of King Argus. What a prick.

Head to the farthest right cell and use Mini to enter a small hole in the right hand side.

Welcome to Hein’s Castle. Make sure that Refia is a Scholar and is equipped with a Book of Light and a Book of Fire.

When you fight Hein, make sure that Refia uses Study to locate the weak point of Hein because it changes all the damn time.

Once he is defeated, you restore peace to the soldiers of Argus as well as the Living Woods, and get the Fang of Wind for your trouble.

The Elder Tree then tells you that you have to leave the floating continent and go down to the Darkness, aka the Surface World.

Cleaning Out Castle Argus

Head to Castle Argus to get the Wheel of Time, a family heirloom that can power an airship to take you to the surface.

Once you get the Wheel of Time, change Luneth’s job to “Thief” and explore the Towers of Castle Argus.

Head back to Canaan to speak with Cid, who turns the Viking ship Enterprise into the airship Enterprise.

Cid then reveals the biggest plot twist of the game…You are not from the Floating Continent, you are originally from the surface! Ten years ago you were out with Cid on the airship, then a darkness engulfed the airship, crashed it, and the only survivors were the Warriors of Light and Cid, the repeating wonder of the Final Fantasy series.

Going to the Surface World

Before leaving the Continent, stop off in the city of Gysahl. There are some useful spells at the Black Mage shop.

Fly off the Continent to trigger the cut scene that takes you to the Surface World.

Once you get on the surface, you can see that it’s not like anything you’ve seen before. Check the overworld map and head for the one island in this desolate world.

It’s a wrecked ship and onboard is a woman under the care of an elder named Miss Aria. Time has stopped and darkness has covered the surface. Miss Aria tried to stop it, but failed in her charge. She is weakened. Use a Potion or Hi-Potion to help her.

After she is well enough, she will have you take her to the Temple of Water, which is southeast of the wrecked ship.

Temple of Water and the Cave of Tides

Within the Temple of Water is a crystal shard that needs to be taken to the Cave of Tides that can break the seal of the Crystal that Miss Aria and her fellow priestesses created to protect the Crystal from the darkness.

The Cave of Tides is just above the Temple of Water. Head through it and watch Miss Aria pray to open the seal and enter inside.

The Cave of Tides is a labyrinth. You will get frustrated with the frequency of the random battles, but it’s okay, you need all the grinding you can get. The next boss is not exactly a pushover.

Find the Crystal room. Watch the cut scene in which Miss Aria pushes you out of the way to save you from Kraken, another lackey of Xande, the bastard who’s causing all this trouble. Time to kick this prick’s ass for killing Aerith—I mean Miss Aria.

Kraken is weak against lightening, so beat him down and light him up.

After Kraken is defeated, you are given the Power of Water by Miss Aria. An earthquake cuts off Luneth’s melodrama and the waters recede to reveal the Surface World under the tides.

While Luneth is unconscious, you are charged with finding a person named Doga, the only one who can help you defeat Xande. Doga is on the continent of Dalg.

Town of Amur

You come to a town called Amur. You need to go into the sewers for Levigrass Shoes that allow you to find the last Crystal. Look for old man Gill, who can give you the key.

When you’re in the sewer, you see these four old men being attacked by some toads. Save them, ‘cause they suck and thought that they were the legendary warriors.

When you get to the bottom of the sewer, you see an old woman named Delilah. She can give you the Levigrass Shoes that allow you to cross the bottomless bog and get the last Crystal.

Goldor Manor

Once you are teleported out of the sewers, you can cross the bog to Goldor Manor. Explore the golden house and grab the treasures therein.

When you arrive at the Crystal room, you’ll fight Goldor himself. After you beat his ass soundly, he destroys the last Crystal!

Head back to get your ship. The key you gain from defeating Goldor releases the chain on the Enterprise.

Fly the Enterprise to the capital of Saronia, but when you fly near the castle, the Enterprise is destroyed! You don’t know why they fired on you, so, damn it, let’s find out.

Capital Saonia

Head to Northeast Saronia and begin the climb of the Dragon Spire to get some badass items.

In Southeastern Saronia you can find a young boy being picked on by some guys because he claims to be the prince heir. Defeat them and it turns out it is Prince Alus, the rightful heir to the throne of King Gorn.

Turns out the King has gone nucking futs. Help get Prince Alus back into the castle to stop the madness of King Gorn.

When you try to enter the front gate you are stopped. Then, unexpectedly, you are allowed inside…You sleep through the night…or so you think… The King tries to murder his own son!

Turns out another rogue advisor has cast a spell on another hapless king. Gigameth is the name of this particular fiend and once you kill him ,the King, who had stabbed himself to protect his son and break the spell, dies… Tragic… But all hail the good King Alus! Now take what you can find and look for the engineering room to get a brand new airship, the Nautilus.

Doga’s Manor

Head south with your new kickass ship to Doga’s Manor where he tells you that the reason Xande is causing so much trouble is that he was granted mortality by the Great Magus Noah. He is trying to stop time so he can continue to live forever. Doga joins your party and you must escort him to Cave of the Circle. Load up in Doga’s Manor with spells and items. Rest up if you are weakened.

Cave of the Circle

Once you trigger the door for the cave entrance, use Mini to shrink down to enter the Cave of the Circle.

When you get to the end of the cave, Doga is about to die. He casts a spell that allows the Nautilus to travel underwater. Doga then gives you the directions to the Temple of Time, where Noah’s Lute rests.

You can use the lute to call Unei, Doga’s friend, back from the world of dreams and then obtain the ancient ship known as the Invincible.

Optional Mission: Sunken Cave

There’s an optional mission here now. If you can find a triangle-shaped island south of Doga’s Manor, you can enter the Sunken Cave. It’s full of awesome stuff and it’s worth if it you can survive.

Temple of Time and Unei’s Shrine

When you enter the Temple of Time, you head down to the bottom floor of the temple. When you find the lute, nothing really happens, just exit the temple and head north to Unei’s Shrine right above where you entered the Temple of Time.

When you enter Unei’s Shrine, she wakes up and charges you with taking her to the Ancient Ruins where the Invincible rests.

She gives you the Fang of Fire and with the Invincible you can get the Fang of Earth. With the four fangs, you can defeat the statues that guard the tower Xande has built for himself.

Ancient Ruins, Cave of Shadows and Returning to Doga’s Manor

When you enter the Ancient Ruins, Unei is useful in helping clear a path that had been blocked by an earthquake. The Invincible is in the bottom level of the Ruins just as everything else has been.

Once you leave the Ruins, head to the Cave of Shadows and get the Fang of Earth. Once you’re done there, go back to Doga’s Manor for the final piece of the puzzle.

That final piece of the puzzle is… Eureka. And how do you get Eureka? You have to kill Doga and Unei to complete the weapon that was scattered in pieces because of its immense power.

Defeat your friends, but, fear not, though their bodies die, their souls live on… or something less depressing.

Crystal Tower and Ancient Maze

With Eureka and the Sycrus Key, head for the Crystal Tower but, first, you must past the Ancient Maze.

Don’t let the name fool you. Walk straight ahead and you see the Earth Crystal being guarded by a fiend named Titan. Kill him and gather the light from the Earth Crystal.

The Ancient Maze is rather easy to get through and is less of a maze than you’d expect.

Now comes the final battle…the Crystal Tower and all the goodies that are within.

When you get to the top of the tower, you look into a mirror and get cursed with the Curse of Five Wyrms. Luckily for you, Doga is there to lend a hand by finding the five souls that have pure light, so just wait while he saves your ass.

The five are none other than the NPC characters you met throughout your journey!

Coming to your aid is Princess Sara, Cid, Desch, King Alus, and Gramps from the group of four old men who thought they were the warriors of light. Way to go, goodwill!

Xande is waiting for you on the other side of the mirror. Kick his ass, he’s earned it.

But even after you beat him, you’re not done. The Cloud of Darkness has descended upon the land. You have to take it out to save the world.

You fight the Cloud of Darkness and you are defeated with a particle beam, but luckily Unei and Doga fuse their souls with yours and you get another chance to win! Salutations, deus ex machina!

Now you enter the World of Shadows to restore order. Xande has been consumed by his own darkness and you have to go bring some balance to the world.

Final Battle: World of Shadows

You’re entering the World of Shadows to take on the Dark Crystals: First up, Cerberus; the second is Echidna; Ahriman comes in at third; and, finally, the not-so-creatively-named Two-Headed Dragon.

Once you defeat the four Crystals, you are introduced to the Warriors of Dark, who join you to destroy the evil entity, the Cloud of Darkness, who had previous kicked your ass before.

Once you face the Cloud of Darkness, the Warriors of Dark sacrifice themselves to help you win. Get ready boys and girls. This is one endurance battle.

Once you beat the bitch that is the Cloud of Darkness, you can enjoy the ending movie and credits. Watch them until the end. It’s quite enjoyable, if a bit cheesy.

So there, you beat it. Feel better? Was it worth the wait? What do you think, Final Fantasy fanboys and girl.

by Eric Miller

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